Why The Video Store Will Always Be Better Than Redbox and Netflix.

Seriously, fuck Redbox and Netflix.  Yes, I’ve used them both, and in turn I have contributed to the downfall of the modern video store.  The video store was a magical place, and completely enabled my overweight and introverted high school years.  As a kid, my parents would take me to Bullseye Video in Ravenna every…

Things I Learned While On Vacation In Miami.

As you may already know, I recently went on a vacation in Miami for the very first time, and it was quite an interesting trip.  Oh the sights, the sounds, the smells, the… Latin people.  In today’s article, I will take you on a recap of the vacation, and discuss the things I learned while in Miami.…

The People You will Meet in Ohio.

I’ve lived in Ohio for all of my life.  There are all kinds of people you will meet here, and like any place, they can be good or bad, smart or dumb, generous… or massive jerks. In this post, we will discuss the different kinds of people you will encounter in Ohio, their traits, and what…

Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Stay-cation.

A poll on ABC news in 2011 revealed that 55% of Americans would not be taking a vacation that summer.  What does this mean?  It means we’re broke!  It means gasoline is too expensive to drive anywhere, and in the post 9/11 world it’s just too big of a bitch to get on and off an…